Do you want to help the hungry children of Israel? One in every three Israeli children starting school this year will be disadvantaged. Yes, Israel is famine-stricken. The scenario was the same even before the Coronavirus pandemic. Many suffering families face great hardships as a result of Israel’s current socioeconomic situation. Even middle-class households may struggle to keep track of their daily expenses. The importance of this issue is much greater for the impoverished in Israel.
There are a number of programs offered by the Israeli government to assist those who are poor, but these programs are not sufficient to ensure that hungry children in Israel have access to food, clothing, and education. The ramifications of this reality are, naturally, catastrophic. There are hundreds of thousands of children and their families who do not get three meals a day. Unfortunately, hunger does not end the story.
Are You Interested In Feeding The Hungry Children In Israel?
In many industrialized countries, hunger may appear to be a faraway concept, but millions of Israelis are now unemployed and facing a significant challenge to feed their children. Regardless of their parents’ financial or emotional difficulties, no child deserves to go hungry because their parents cannot afford to feed them.
Meir Panim is dedicated to assisting these kids. Our ultimate goal in Israel is to eliminate hunger and food insecurity. We work hard to offer hot meals to low-income families and children. Hundreds of thousands of hot, delicious meals have been distributed to low-income children around the country.
Now is the time to donate if you want to help! It is clear that contributions of any amount can make a significant difference in a lot of people’s lives, especially for hungry children Israel.