Creating a room your kids will love is a fun job to have, and if it’s for twins, it is double the fun. However, it may come with its own set of challenges. You will need to satisfy two kids and make sure their dislikes and likes are accounted for. Experts from Wakefit opine that a well-organized and functional bedroom goes a long way in helping children develop skills and learning how to keep their surroundings neat and organised. A room of their own is recommended for kids to help them set boundaries from a young age. While having two separate rooms for your twins is an ideal scenario, it may not be feasible for everyone. Fortunately, it is easy to order beds online that will satisfy both your kiddos.
Here are a couple of ideas that may come in handy in setting up the perfect bedroom for your set of twins:
- Mirror Image Bedroom
If your twins have different personalities, what could be better than a mirror image room? You could set up the room to look like a mirror reflection with each twin using one side of the room. With matching bed sheets and blankets, the room will look aesthetically pleasing as well. As the kids grow older. They can decorate the side of their room according to their taste as well.
- Bunk Beds
Bunk beds are a great way to save floor space in the room. The kids can use the additional space as a play area. You can also set up study areas for both of them in the same room. Another great way to use the extra space is by placing a shelf in one of the corners for the kids to store their favourite toys, books and other knick-knacks.
- Parallel Beds
If one of the walls in the room has a window in the centre, you can place a bed on each side to create a pathway to the window. This way, the twins will have enough walking space in the room and bedtime routines will also become easier.
- Double Bed
Some parents prefer to have their twins sleeping together and invest in a double bed rather than two separate beds. This works well if your twins belong to the same gender. The room can easily be converted into a guest room once the twins grow older and leave home for college.
Setting up a room for your twins goes a long way in helping establish a bedtime routine from a young age. This helps get their sleep cycle in order, which plays an important role in their overall development. Studies have shown that kids who get nine to ten hours of sleep every night tend to develop skills faster and are also better at grasping new concepts.
Advantages Of A Children’s Room
Most parents prefer to have a separate room for their children. This gives the parents some adult time and allows kids to have a room where they can express their creativity with absolute abandon. A room of their own allows kids to understand the importance of privacy from a young age. When it comes to twins, sharing a room is inevitable in most cases. However, this is not as bad as it sounds. The twins get to spend time with each other and develop their interests and likes. If you have a pair of twins who seem to have different likes and dislikes. You need to create a common ground when decorating their bedroom. Try to find something they both like and start from there. If you have conflicting likes, then you can also try dividing the room into different areas and allowing each twin to decorate their side of the room in such a way that it complements the other side of the room as well. This could be a fun project for the kids as well.
Having a room of their own helps kids learn how to take care of their things. You can teach them to be responsible for cleaning up their room. Interestingly, most parents prefer to buy Bunk beds online for their twins’ room. It is efficient and space-saving as well. You can even get customised bunk beds that include study tables and extra shelves.
If your twins consist of opposite genders, try sticking to a neutral colour theme. This will help create a room that does not seem gender-specific and wind up causing distress to one of the twins. You can pick out a wallpaper that both of them like, or you can get them also to be a part of decorating their room. Children enjoy being a part of room makeovers and always enjoy having their opinions valued. Since the twins are going to be the ones using their room most of the time, it makes sense to take their opinions into consideration.
If your twins find it difficult to come to a decision, show them how to search for inspiration on the internet. A simple Google search is sufficient to have thousands of bedroom decor ideas on your screen. This will help inspire your twins to come up with their bedroom décor idea.
When decorating the kids’ room, you need to pick out furniture that is safe, strong and durable. Wooden furniture is always the best option since it can withstand wear and tear with very little maintenance. In addition, you can find a wonderful selection of different furniture pieces being sold online by reliable sellers like Wakefit.
As the twins grow older, you will notice their interests changing. You may have to give the room a makeover more than once to keep the room in sync with the twins’ preferences. This can be easily done with a change of wallpaper of wall colour every once in a while. You can also try changing the colour theme to keep the room look fresh and lively. Remember to keep the bedroom décor casual and light so that the twins can wind down easily when it is bedtime.